紡織品、服裝和鞋業(yè)聯(lián)盟的州秘書杰克.莫雷爾(Jack Morel)說澳大利亞與中國的自由貿易協(xié)定正在破壞國內市場。
Clothes factory blames closure on cheap imports
Friday, September 16, 2005.
Increasing quantities of cheap imported clothing are being blamed for the closure of a factory at Dinmore, west of Brisbane.
Yakka will close its door late next month, ending 19 years of corporate clothing manufacturing and leaving 32 staff jobless.
In a written statement the company has cited continuing import competition as the main reason for its decision.
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union state secretary Jack Morel says Australia s free trade agreement with China is destroying the domestic market.
"The labour costs for an unskilled personnel in China is 60 cents an hour and for a skilled machinist over there it s $1.45 as against $15 in Australia and it just cannot compete," he said.
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